We're in Brewster off of Freeman's Way on Commerce Park Road, directly across from the Captain's Golf Course.

From the Mid-Cape Highway (route 6)

Either direction: Take Exit 11 (Route 137). Turn right off exit-ramp; the sign says "Brewster". Go 1.5 miles to Freeman's Way. Take a right on Freeman's Way (the only way you can go) and go 2 miles in the entrance to Freeman's Way Commerce Park (on left).

From Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet, Eastham and Orleans:

If coming from Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet or Eastham, take Route 6 to the Orleans Rotary and go 3/4 of the way around the rotary to Routes 6A and 28 (sign says "Chatham, Route 28"). Go 1/2 mile and turn left on Route 28 (you'll see another Rte. 28 sign in front of the Fogcutter Restaurant). Go 3 miles on Route 28 to Route 39 on right. Go 1 mile on Route 39 to blinking light at Freeman's Way and go right. Go .7 miles to the entrance of Freeman's Way Commerce Park (on right).

From most of Chatham:

Take Church Street (across from "Corner Store", near the intersection of Old Queen Anne Road and Rte. 137) and go about a mile to Rte. 39. Go right on Rte. 39, 1-1/2 miles to blinking yellow light at Freeman's Way. Take a left and go .7 miles to the entrance of Freeman's Way Commerce Park (on right).

From Chatham along Pleasant Bay:

Take Rte. 28 towards Orleans to Tar Kiln Road and turn left. This road is directly across from where Pleasant Bay comes right up to the highway. Go to the end of Tar Kiln Rd. -- it joins Rte. 39 on about a mile. Look to left at Rte. 39 and you will see a blinking Yellow Light at Freeman's Way. Go .7 miles to the entrance of Freeman's Way Commerce Park.

From the intersection of Routes 137 and 39 in East Harwich:

Go 2.4 miles towards Orleans on Route 39. At blinking yellow light, turn left on Freeman's Way. Go .7 miles to the entrance of Freeman's Way Commerce Park (on right).

From Brewster along Route 6A:

Take Route 137 2.3 miles to Freeman's Way. Go left on Freeman's Way. Go 2 miles to the entrance of Freeman's Way Commerce Park (on left).

From Ocean Edge Route 137 entrance:

Go left (south) out of Ocean Edge on Route 137. Go .8 miles to Freeman's Way and turn left just past Millstone Liquors. Go 2 miles to entrance to Freeman's Way Commerce Park (on left).